Enhance Your Creative Process: Beta Testing Is Live For Content Pre-approvals within the Wowzi App
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Enhance Your Creative Process: Beta Testing Is Live For Content Pre-approvals within the Wowzi App

Sharon Muhambe
Sharon Muhambe
August 30, 2023

Over the next month, select premium creators will be invited to beta-test our new in-app content pre-approval features. How does that change things for you? Practically, you’ll be asked to submit links to draft posts in the app, so that our team and clients can review it on their side of the platform. Previously, this process was handled outside of the app in various environments and chat platforms, but we’re bringing it in-house to enhance your experience while adding safeguards to your security and data privacy. 

As a content creator, your creative journey is filled with exciting ideas and the urge to share your unique perspective with your audience. While spontaneity is often key to captivating content, there's an essential aspect that can elevate your work even further: content pre-approval. And guess what? Wowzi App is here to make this process not only smooth but also rewarding. 

Why Content Pre-Approval Matters

  • Consistency is Key: Pre-approval lets you maintain a consistent brand image. It ensures that every piece of content you create aligns with the brand values and messaging you're working with.
  • Seamless Collaboration: When you're collaborating with brands or partners, pre-approval ensures that everyone is on the same page. It minimizes misunderstandings and showcases your professionalism.
  • Efficiency and Time-Saving: Instead of going back and forth with texts, emails, and revisions, content pre-approval lets you submit your work directly through the Wowzi App, saving time for both you and your collaborators.
  • Confident Creations: With pre-approval, you can create confidently, knowing that your content meets the expectations of your brand collaborations. It's a win-win for everyone involved. 
  • Enhanced Security & Data Protection: By managing content pre-approvals in the app, your data is protected and more secure, meeting high standards set by clients and regulators.  
  • Faster Approvals Times with Clients & Partners: The Wowzi team and clients will also have a much easier time on their side managing approvals, tracking progress on all of the content being submitted by many, many creators simultaneously, and creating a more accurate and easy-to-search record of what pieces were approved at what time. This will help speed up the process for approvals and increase the quality of feedback provided if changes or edits are needed.    

How Wowzi App Makes It Happen

The Wowzi App offers a user-friendly interface that streamlines the content pre-approval process. Here's how it works:

  • Create and Upload: Craft your content as you usually would, but before posting it on your social channels, upload it to the Wowzi App. You can upload it as a file or as a link, whichever you prefer.
  • Collaborator Review: Brands and partners get notified of your submission and can review the content against their guidelines and expectations.
  • Feedback and Adjustments: If any adjustments are needed, you'll receive feedback through the app. This ensures that your content aligns perfectly with your collaborator's vision. You’ll then have an opportunity to submit the adjusted piece of content as per the feedback.
  • Approval and Posting: Once your content gets the green light, you're all set to post it on your social channels, confident that it meets both your creative vision and your collaborator's requirements.

How You Can Be Helpful As We Test This Feature 

As always, we love hearing feedback from creators on how the new feature works. Notice anything that we can improve? Let us know by submitting feedback directly in the app! We expect it will take a few minutes to learn the new workflow, and we want to make the transition as smooth as possible for our large community of creators, so we always appreciate your feedback.  

Elevate Your Creative Process with the Wowzi App

Content pre-approval on the Wowzi App empowers you to enhance your creative process by striking the right balance between creativity and collaboration. It's about creating content that truly resonates while fostering strong partnerships with brands and collaborators.

So, creators, it's time to harness the power of content pre-approval and take your creative journey to the next level. Dive into the Wowzi App, streamline your collaborations, and watch your content thrive like never before. Your creative freedom meets professional collaboration – all in one place. Get started today and see the difference for yourself!

If you have any questions or need assistance, our support team is here to help. Feel free to reach out to us, and we'll be happy to assist you